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Stop the Patriarchal Pace: Rebalancing Your Body

As women, we are designed to eb and flow.  But we’re in a pace of life where we can do and be anything.  So how do we SHIFT our bodies in a culture that’s telling us we can and should do it all?

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.


And not slowing the pace can lead to burnout, hormone disruption, weight gain and chronic disease.


We’ll dig into WHY we feel like we need to do it all and HOW to make a SHIFT to meet you where you are.


If you or anyone you know struggles with the pace of constant production and productivity, you do not want to miss this.


Our FREE FITT Technique can help regulate the stress cycle as well as change all things you do core (and BEST part is it doesn’t even have to require you to take extra time to do it today).  It will even improve the belly pooch, low back pain and Diastasis Recti!


Community is also huge to help us not feel alone and bring balance to our systems.  Invest in our monthly HAAC™ membership for your daily BEST™ delivered to your phone every morning and Health Assurance, Accountability Coaching to guarantee you keep moving forward in loving yourself no matter how messy life is.


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Find Tracy On Instagram and join our Facebook community Hardwired For Health.


What are we loving?

Tracy has been reignited with her sugar free energy drink GO for a sweet pick me up without the junk.


Jess is still loving her book, Worthy by Jamie Kern Lima.  It’s a book every woman should get her hands on.