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Completing the Stress Cycle

We are starting our 3 part series on Bringing Balance back to our bodies and adding some regulation to our systems.


In this episode we talk about stress:  how it stays on repeat and can be contributing to chronic pain, weight gain and even auto immune issues.


When stress isn’t released, it stays in our tissues, doing hard over time.


Our FREE FITT Technique can help regulate the stress cycle as well as change all things you do core (and BEST part is it doesn’t even have to require you to take extra time to do it today).  It will even improve the belly pooch, low back pain and Diastasis Recti!


Community is also huge to help us not feel alone and bring balance to our systems.  Invest in our monthly HAAC™ membership for your daily BEST™ delivered to your phone every morning and Health Assurance, Accountability Coaching to guarantee you keep moving forward in loving yourself no matter how messy life is.


Connect with us!

Find Tracy On Instagram and join our Facebook community Hardwired For Health.


What are we loving?

Since she inspired this podcast, we are loving the Resetter Podcast by Dr. Mindy Pelz