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Why Does Food Addiction Feel So Good?

Have you ever said to yourself, “I’m just addicted to X (sugar, bread, chips…name your vice).  You think if you just had more willpower you’d be able to break free from it.  But in fact, that’s far from the truth.  It has nothing to do with willpower!


Hear why food addiction is so strong and how the food industry is keeping you addicted and making it even harder to succeed.  

We’re going to help put you in the driver’s seat and start getting in control of how you eat–WITHOUT restriction or willpower!


Are you needing support around staying consistent and accountable?  We want to offer that to you through our monthly membership coaching program.  No commitment, stay as long as you’d like!  Invest in our monthly HAAC™ membership for your daily BEST™ delivered to your phone every morning and Health Assurance, Accountability Coaching to guarantee you keep moving forward in loving yourself no matter how messy life is.


Make sure to get connected with us and start living and feeling YOUR BEST™!


  • Grab our FREE FITT Technique that will change all things you do core (and BEST part is it doesn’t even have to require you to take extra time to do it today).  It will even improve the belly pooch, low back pain and Diastasis Recti!
  • Join our Facebook community Hardwired For Health where we do 10 minute movement flows for quick wins 5 days a week for free!


What are we loving?  

Jess has found Olipop Soda that satisfies the desire for a little carbonation and a touch of sweet without all the normal additives in soda. 

Tracy is enjoying Glow drink by Organifi that’s a collagen supporting raspberry lemonade.