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Peanut Butter Cups For Breakfast

Jan 23, 2024

I Love Breakfast.  I Hate Hectic Mornings!

One thing that changed my day forever was adding protein into my breakfast routine.  I went from a cereal, toast, or even leftover cake for breakfast childhood to a protein loving fiend.  There came a point in my 20s that I wondered why I was starving by 9am.  Why I CRAVED sugar.  Why I could not resist the bagels, donuts and over carb-filled treats as they entered the clinic.  Why I felt sluggish and like junk by 3pm.

MAYBE...SHIFTING the way I started the day would change how I went through my day.

This was when I discovered protein powder and all the shaker bottle craze-days.  So I did as anyone would in those days and headed to the nearby GNC and bought a giant tub of protein powder and got my free shaker.  I got home, excited to try my new routine.  I hated it.  I was disgusting.  This tastes like chalk!  I wasn't sure I could keep this up.

Over the years, I have evolved in my protein shaker drinks, as has the protein powder industry where they don't all taste like junk.

I discovered what I like to mix in and what combos.  I learned what my body likes and doesn’t.  I learned how starting the day with protein helps balance blood sugars, keeps you fuller longer and craving less.  I entered the craze of smoothies mixed with protein, fiber, fat and even some leafy greens!  I wanted to shout from the rooftops how delicious, nutritious these smoothies were and how amazing I felt.  I just KNEW if everyone adopted this, they’d feel better.

But then I came to a screeching SHIFTING halt when I discovered many people do not love smoothies.  Including, much to my sadness, my youngest child.  The firstborn naturally complied with my nourishing, drinkable breakfast.  The 2nd born of uniqueness, rebellion and texture-issues was not having it.  Being committed to trying everything to get protein in this child without requiring much effort from me was a challenge!  I was about to give up when we FINALLY found a win!  Peanut Butter Cup breakfast bars!

Not only are they delicious, they are easy to make in a big batch (most important for my busy mom life), and they are filling with nourishing protein (and only 5 ingredients).  Here’s what to do:

  • 1 ½ cup nut butter of your choice (get a natural one without added oils and sugar.  I have a Vitamix blender and just whip up my own with some peanuts.).
  • 1 cup protein powder of your choice (I use a chocolate or vanilla or a combo of the two).  My go-to good quality that’s not overly expensive is Levels Protein on Amazon.
  • ¼ cup honey or maple syrup.
  • About 4 oz dark, low sugar, chocolate melted.
  • Sprinkle of course sea salt

Mix the nut butter, honey, and protein in a bowl.  Spread in a pan (I use an 8x8 square).  Drizzle melted dark chocolate around.  Sprinkle with sea salt.  Leave in fridge to harden up and tomorrow morning cut yourself a bar!  They cut pretty well that you could individually wrap them in plastic or foil for lunches, snacks or even freeze them in bulk!

It’s a quick easy breakfast win.  It’s at least a start to getting something with real ingredients (those packaged bars tend to have a lot of added inflammatory ingredients, sugars and seed oils you don’t want).  It’s one small step towards more protein in the busy mornings without a lot of effort.

I hope you enjoy as much as we do in my house.  Remember, it’s the small wins that keep you consistent!

Here's to Your BEST™ health one small win at a time!

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