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Living Healthy in the Holidays

Let’s face it: the holidays can make us feel not-so-healthy. A Google search will give you 100s of different ways to stay healthy or not gain the weight during this season - but will you actually do any of them?


In today’s Health in the Holidays sesh, we talk supporting your health by FIRST asking yourself “How do I want to feel?” - while running the errands, going to the parties, shopping for gifts, preparing the food, gathering with friends & family…


Living healthy means deciding that the health-supporting tips, strategies or choices matter because…they make you FEEL better! And when you FEEL better, then you show up better in this season - as a mom, spouse, friend, coworker & family member.


Holiday foods, drinks & stress can make our bodies & minds have all sorts of undesired symptoms. Today we offer some simple, quick-win choices for health that you can fit into your crazy busy schedule without all the drama!


Dr. Erndl’s top tips: 1. Set personal boundaries to keep your mind & schedule sane - AND meaningful!, 2. Get some movement after the holiday meal - walking with family helps with digestion, gives quality time & connects you to nature.


Jess’ top tips: 1. Don’t forget your water! Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water/day to keep you feeling your BEST, 2. Start your busy day with a balanced break-the-fast meal of 4Core Ingredients: protein, fat, fiber & greens/dark-colored veg. A smoothie, omelet or oat bowl (Pumpkin Pie Oat Bowl) are simple ways to avoid starve/binging & energy crashes.


What Are We Loving? It’s Soup Season!! Dr. Erndl is loving all things soup filled with bone broth, meat, veggies & spices for satisfying, balanced meals that nourish our body, mind & soul! Jess is loving her Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal Bowl for her break-the-fast meals during this Fall/Winter season.


Dr. Christina Erndl is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine here in the Phoenix metro & also online. You can find her Here to learn more or follow her on Instagram @lotusnaturopathic.


Need some accountability in this Holiday season or whatever season of life you’re in? Our Monthly HAAC Accountability Membership is a great way to live your BEST health with the support of daily BEST text reminders, LIVE health assurance & accountability coaching & being part of a tribe who wants to live their BEST!


Also, make sure to join our Facebook Community Hardwired For Health to continue the conversation or on Instagram bejourneystrong or Tracy’s Instagram movement.warrior to learn if our Neuro-Hacking Health Success Method is right for you!  You can also directly message us at [email protected] if you’re ready to take the plunge into our custom 1:1 coaching programs.  And, if you got some value from this, we want to hear about it, share it with a friend and write a review!  It’s how more people will get this valuable message!  Have questions about how we can serve you in your unique health journey?  Make sure to schedule your Free Health Discovery Call where we’ll chat about your specific needs.