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Don’t Feel Healthy Despite Doing All the Right Things?

Have you suffered with that nagging pain?

Does something always seem to go wrong with your body or health efforts? Have you seen multiple doctors & providers but you’re still limited?


Today’s cast highlights the history, heart & healing of a previous guest, Dr. Breann “B” Fox. Her personal health journey moved her from serving in the traditional model as a pelvic health physical therapist towards becoming a holistic, mind-body, wellness practitioner.


If traditional ways of getting healthy continue to fall short, this is a must listen. We invite you to open your mind  - there IS something more to your health journey!


What are we loving: Breann - loves fancy stemless glasses from TJMaxx to encourage her daily water intake & enjoy the experience of nourishing herself. She also practices intentional, daily, self talk this is empowering & nurturing of self. Jess: Is loving the continued reading of The Body Keeps The Score book by Bessel Van Der Kolk. After recently experiencing family health trauma, she is feeling the healing with honoring the brain, mind & body connections. Breann offered Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Carol Truman as another likeminded resource.


Connect with DrBFox:
FB: Breann Fox
IG: drBfoxco
Resource: Youtube link for video of 3 brain connection through tapping sequence