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Is it Really More Expensive to Be Healthy?

Is it fact or fiction that being healthy is just too expensive?  

We’re going to dig into the details this week about how it’s not a black & white answer, but you get to decide what healthy looks & feels like to you.


If you believe it takes fancy equipment, boutique gyms and expensive products, you’re going to sabotage yourself before you start.  Even if you have all the motivation in the world, if your belief is, I can’t get results unless I do it THIS way, but I cannot afford that…you’ll keep staying stuck.


We will give you ideas on how to be intentional about what you do and how you spend your money, but most importantly, it starts with you being crystal clear on what you want, rather that thinking you HAVE to live up to someone else’s expectations.  


What are we LOVING this week?

While we know products aren’t THE way to be healthy & you have to figure out what’s best for you, we also have things that we love that support our health.  This week we both share things for our health, but that have also save us money!  


Tracy loves getting her meat from Butcher Box.  It has allowed her to have quality meat, but be intentional about what she has and how to shop & meal plan, which saves her money, frustration and time!  Total win!  Use the link to get $30 off your first box!


Jessica has been loving getting a veggie tray at Costco (or you could do any store) because she has veggies on hand, already chopped so it makes it easy and quick for on the go veggie eating (which let’s be honest, is a struggle for most of us).  She also uses the rest right before it goes bad to roast up and turn into a meal.  


Thanks for tuning in for another episode!  We want to get to know you!  Let’s connect!  Make sure to join our Facebook Community Hardwired For Health to continue the conversation or on Instagram bejourneystrong or Tracy’s Instagram movement.warrior to learn if our Neuro-Hacking Health Success Method is right for you!  You can also directly message us at [email protected].  And, if you got some value from this, we want to hear about it, share it with a friend and write a review!  It’s how more people will get this valuable message!


If you’re ready to schedule your Free Clarity Call & get our free Nutrition Guide, Grab it Here so we can guide you to your health success!