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What You Believe Matters to Your Weight Loss

There’s a lot of buzz about “mindset” these days. Lots of good stuff, but we’re going to actually talk the science behind it & why it’s more than just thinking positive & creating positive affirmations.

What becomes possible when you start believing that your body is capable of results? What actions do you take when you believe it?

You see, we have these thoughts running in the back of our heads (I could never, this is just how I am, it’s my genetics) that run the show, so no matter how positive you think, those thoughts (which become beliefs) drive how you feel about yourself and what actions you take.

So the key is to become aware of these thoughts and actually CHANGE them (yep, real science to it) so the new, serving ones, run the show.

We will also talk about how falling in love with the process of health is far greater than fixating on the outcome.

What are we loving this week?!

Tracy talked about how she struggles to get her greens in through the day. While of course, real food is our favorite option, we also know it’s a struggle sometimes. So this Green Powder helps her feel successful in the greens department even on the hectic days. Best part, it actually tastes good (and she can get at least 1 kid to eat it! #momwin). Click the link for $10 off your first order!

Jessica also loves the Greens, but has added a new, PhytoRed Powder to her mix. It is jam packed with antioxidants in a great tasting bioavailable form! It optimizes heart health, antioxidant capacity, balanced microbiome & immune health.

Thanks for tuning in for another episode!  We want to get to know you!  Let’s connect!  Make sure to join our Facebook Community Hardwired For Health to continue the conversation or on Instagram bejourneystrong or Tracy’s Instagram movement.warrior to learn if our Neuro-Hacking Health Success Method is right for you!  You can also directly message us at [email protected].  And, if you got some value from this, we want to hear about it, share it with a friend and write a review!  It’s how more people will get this valuable message!

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